Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My pop art

self assessment: i think it is AWESOMELY GREAT and its up on the wall in the class

Year 6 memories

Year 6 Riverdale memories
Hi my name is Renee A.K.A Nae or the Ginger ninja my best part of Riverdale has been being a senior because you get to go on camp I’ve been to Highland Home and Palm Grove they were so awesome I made lots of cool friends, girls and boys. The other times are when it is quiddage I'm in q manawatu there is lots of stuff you can buy like drinks food and another stuff its really cool. The best year was when i was in Mrs T class she was really awesome and I'll miss you Mrs T I've been in other teachers that I’ve been in there classes the are Mrs Wimms Lc4, Mrs Mary-church Lc3, Mrs Burgess Lc8, Mr Herring Lc5, Mrs Burgess again Lc8, then awesome Mrs T Lc10 and this year Mr Mcnaught Lc12 and this year on Fridays Mr McCallum It’s so fun when he is here because we play games my fave game to play is TENNIS BALL DOGDEBALL it sooooooo fun. So good luck for the future all of Riverdale!!!!!!!! Intermediate here I come!!!!!!!!!!

Self assessment: well I finished it before it was due date. well I could have speaked a bit louder when I was presenting .